
User Guide

Duke is a commandline based todolist application.


Feature 1

You can add/remove tasks

Feature 2

You can mark a task as done

Feature 3

You can use shortened versions of the commands to add new tasks. The commands also ignore case sensitivity.

Feature 4

Find tasks whose name contains a substring.

Feature 5

Snoozes deadlines or events by a datetime amount


clear - Describe action

clears the chat screen

list - Lists all tasks in the program

displays all tasks

Example of usage:


display name matching substring

Example of usage:

list asd

display scheduled for that day

Example of usage:

list 1/1/2019

todo - Adds a todo task

Example of usage:

todo newTask

deadline - Adds a deadline task

Example of usage:

deadline newDeadline \by 1/1/2019 0000

event - Adds a event task

Example of usage:

event newEvent \at 1/1/2019 1300 to 1/1/2019 1400

done - Mark a task as done

argument has to be task index, check index by calling list.

Example of usage:

done 1

delete - Delete a task

argument has to be task index, check index by calling list.

Example of usage:

delete 1

snooze - Postpones a event or deadline

argument is index followed by datetime

Example of usage

snooze 1 0/0/0 0100 postpones by 1 hour

snooze 1 1/0/0 0000 postpones by 1 day